Ann Premazon Post 1


I’m getting ready to start posting to this site regularly, but I’ve been a little busy. I took on a project that has turned into one of the largest opportunities for me to succeed in business. If anybody here wants to know what I do for business, go visit my other sites. They are up in the right hand corner. Today I’m in DC, that’s Washington DC. I’ve learned so many things, but you know being away from home is very hard. It’s very cold here, and I miss walking the dogs by the beach every morning. I changed this site to become a blog because so many people are starting to follow me on twitter, facebook, and everywhere else that I’m meeting new friends. I figure this is the best way to start a blog that just says what I’m doing, where I’m at, bla bla bla. I hope to be posting cool articles and information that I find amusing. If you have any comments or want to ask me any questions, this is the place to put it.

Wishing you an abundance of health and prosperity I’m out.

Ann Premazon

Look I like to say it how it is, be free flowing, and just put it out there. Enjoy!
